Interface cfUserProfileInterface
cfUserProfileInterface Interface
Interface for classes that extend the user profile.
Package: clearFusionCMS
Copyright (c) 2012 - 2016 clearFusionCMS. All rights reserved.
Located at system/app/cfUserProfile.php
Methods summary
addFields( flForm $form, integer $where, flUser |integer $user )
Build the form elements for the profile extension.
Build the form elements for the profile extension.
- $form
- The form to add the fields to and processing the request.
- $where
- Where the profile is being used, one of cfUserProfile::ADMIN, USEREDIT, USEREDITINMGR or REGISTRATION.
- $user
- The flUser Object or ID of the user or null if creating a new user.
process( flForm $form, integer $where, flUser |integer $user )
Process the form elements for the profile extension.
Process the form elements for the profile extension.
- $form
- The form to add the fields to and processing the request.
- $where
- Where the profile is being used, one of cfUserProfile::ADMIN, USEREDIT, USEREDITINMGR or REGISTRATION.
- $user
- The flUser Object or ID of the user or null if creating a new user.